“Omachido & FURUTAS,” located in Branch Okayama Kita-Nagase, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture, utilizes the Tree theme for their website.
The site has been designed to leave a lasting impression with the smiles of the staff.
On the menu page, you’ll find an array of items such as “shaved ice,” “juices,” “tarts,” and “parfaits.” Using high-quality images, each menu item looks even more appealing. With plenty of fresh fruit featured, they all look incredibly delicious, don’t they?
Stylish menu pages like these can be easily created using the custom post type “Menu.”
>>Quickly create captivating menu introduction pages with the “Menu” custom post type
Tree also offers a wide variety of templates for creating stylish pages. We hope you’ll make full use of them.
>>Perfect for an ABOUT page with dynamic layouts: “Design Page 1”
>>Effortlessly create special course menus or event pages with “Design Page 2”