

WordPress theme “TENJIKU”. This demo site is designed to look like a top-quality Chinese restaurant, with a minimalist top page and a central logo that leaves a lasting impression. Below are some examples of sites using “TENJIKU”.

  1. Chinese Restaurant Yokatto

    Name: Chinese Restaurant YokattoTheme: TENJIKU…

  2. Cacao

    Name: CacaoTheme: TENJIKUComment:They are …

  3. ONECG

    Name: ONECGTheme: TENJIKUComment:The compa…

  4. Shingo Uchiyama Dog Photo Studio

    Name: Shingo Uchiyama Dog Photo StudioTheme: TEN…


    Name: OIKE DESIGNTheme: TENJIKUComment:Fro…

  6. natural cafe hinokinomori

    Name: natural cafe hinokinomoriTheme: TENJIKUC…

  7. Bistro La Campanella

    Name: Bistro La CampanellaTheme: TENJIKUCommen…

  8. Fugu Ginza Sugata

    Name: Fugu Ginza SugataTheme: TENJIKUComment:…

  9. Italian Restaurant Bel e Moco

    Name: Italian Restaurant Bel e MocoTheme: TENJIK…

  10. Startup Creation City College

    Name: Startup Creation City CollegeTheme: TENJIK…

  11. 88PEAKS

    Name: 88PEAKSTheme: TENJIKUComment:"88PEAK…

  12. Taneko Garlic Farm

    Name: Taneko Garlic FarmTheme: TENJIKUComment:…