
Marbling Artist L `aquamarmo

Name: Marbling Artist L `aquamarmo

Marbling artist “L`aquamarmo” is using the theme FAMOUS for their website, which is ideal for building a branding site.

I am an artist who learned marbling art in Florence, Italy, and works while creating marbling art.
The theme of my work is to enchant people to see beautiful scenery, and I have posted photos of beautiful scenery and activities in Italy that I have inputted, and I am also outputting my recent marbling art activities in text and photos.
I hope that you will enjoy the recognition of my own meticulous art and the beautiful visual experience!

The unique world view of marbling art that spreads across the above the fold has a mysterious charm that draws users in. Marbling art is not so familiar to many people, but it is a form of contemporary art in which patterns are drawn by dropping paint on the surface of water, which is then projected onto paper.


The GALLERY page shows the past activities and works of “L`aquamarmo”. Please take a look at their wonderful works.


>> “WORKS”, a custom posting type that makes your production results visually spectacular

Smile Design Company

Nadeshiko Machiya

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