
Doi Farm – Dried Persimmons

Name: Doi Farm – Dried Persimmons
Theme: EGO.WooCommerce

WooCommerce compatible theme, EGO.WooCommerce, has been selected for the EC site of “Doi Farm” located in Yamanoue district, Yakage-cho, Okayama Prefecture.

We’ve simplified by removing unnecessary characters while maximizing functionality. Sales are doing well, and we’ve received favorable feedback.

First, the golden glow of the dried persimmons is quite captivating. Although I haven’t had dried persimmons much, I’m intrigued to try them.

The dried persimmons from Doi Farm are made using carefully grown Saijo persimmons and traditional methods. It’s interesting that they’re certified as part of Okayama’s specialty product, ‘Hare no Megumi,’ and recognized under the Okayama Brand.

They offer a variety of products from ‘Dried Persimmons’ to ‘Japanese sweets’ and ‘Go with rice,’ utilizing a Mega Menu to enhance their appeal.

I’m curious about the ‘Dried persimmons go with rice.’

→ Yuzu Gonomi with dried persimmon

Please check out the Doi Farm website, which has numerous enticing products.

You-Eki FP Office Inc.

defunc Japan Official Website

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