
Studio Bright

Name: Studio Bright
Theme: SERUM

Studio Bright, a rental studio in Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture, has used SERUM.

Although SERUM was initially geared toward the medical field, I believe it’s a theme that providers offering luxurious services for women could also benefit from.

The studio boasts a spacious 110㎡ area, equipped with large mirrors and a user-friendly sound system. Its distinctive feature includes flooring designed with consideration for joint and muscle strain.

Upon exploring its potential uses, it becomes evident that it can cater to a diverse range of schools, including beauty, martial arts, combat sports, and various cultural activities.

Moreover, as a standout feature of SERUM, it allows for buttons like ‘Book Now’ or ‘Availability’ to be displayed in the sidebar, creating pathways that encourage conversions. While the theme itself lacks a booking function, these pathways can be utilized to redirect users to alternative reservation services.

Esthetic Salon “Duplet”


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