
Leap Scuba Amami

Name: Leap Scuba Amami
Theme: CURE

CURE is used by “Leap Scuba Amami” who runs a diving store in Amami Oshima.

This time, we used CURE, a theme for hospitals and medical institutions, as the website of a diving store. Diving tends to be associated with the image of the sea as fun, refreshing, and beautiful, but we chose CURE because we wanted to give the impression of seriousness and politeness to ensure that customers can use the site safely and with peace of mind.
Although the theme is geared toward medical care, I believe it is fully applicable to diving as well, such as TOP screen slides with photos and videos, infection control, sidebar reservation screens, phones, SNS links, etc.

The website is designed to take advantage of the theme’s features, including the use of CURE’s custom post type, “Medical Information,” for service announcements. Store’s introduction is also nicely organized. Please take a look.

Harada Sangyo LLC.

Tokyo City Guide TOKYO SEEKER

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