

Theme: FAKE
Kind of business: Nail Salon

This page is for outdoor gear and motorcycle gear. I tried to create a structure so that different genres can coexist in one page without feeling out of place.
We also use a lot of photos to convey the appeal of our products in an intuitive and visual way.
In this respect, “FAKE” has a wealth of features that match what we wanted to create, such as the ability to put large photos on the top page and header, and the parallax effect.

They have built a one-column site and skillfully utilized the features of FAKE to focus on the content. As you said, I’m glad you made use of the large screen header content and the parallax specification. Thank you very much.
This theme was created with a corporate website in mind, but it is also useful to create a one-column site that introduces multiple products and leads to an existing major shopping site. Please take a look.

Mt. Takao Karinto


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