
Ael Fukushima

Connectiva Inc. utilizes the NOEL theme for their website, Ael Fukushima.

Our goal is to incorporate originality while preserving the designer’s intended aesthetic as much as possible!

The top page features engaging content like “5 Reasons to Choose Ael Fukushima” and “First-Time Limited Campaign”. These elements can be created effortlessly without coding using NOEL’s content builder, allowing for easy rearrangement and additions.

>>Content Builder – Centralize key features on the homepage

NOEL also includes a custom post type for Staff. On this site, it has been creatively repurposed as Member Introductions.

>>Custom Post Type “Staff” – Designed to build trust

While the NOEL demo site was created with aesthetic clinics in mind, this site demonstrates how it can be adapted for other industries. We hope it serves as inspiration for your projects.

Creative Intelligence

Online Real Estate School

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