

Name: fil-sleep
Theme: NOEL

NOEL is used on the website of “fil-sleep”, a dry head spa specialty store in Yokouchi, Kochi City. I heard that dry head spas feel really good. I’ve never experienced it, so I’d like to give it a try.

We created it to convey the key points that the store wants to convey while utilizing the structure of the theme.
We are conscious of creating a sense of friendliness and luxury.

The relaxing atmosphere of the dry head spa is matched by the parallax slider that can be set in NOEL’s header content. The smooth movement is pleasant to watch.

>> Header content with configurable parallax slider as well as images and videos

This site also utilizes the custom post type “Staff” as “Customer Feedback“. Real feedback from customers helps new users feel at ease.

>> Custom post type “Staff” devised to give a sense of security


Nice Carry Service Inc.

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