
Hanamomo Acupuncture Clinic

Name: Hanamomo Acupuncture Clinic
Theme: BIRTH

BIRTH is used by Hanamomo Acupuncture Clinic in Yotsukaido, Chiba Prefecture.

Acupuncture is often associated with pain or heat, but it’s actually a treatment that many find pleasantly comforting. We’ve crafted our website to convey a sense of safety and reassurance about its effectiveness.

Many photos used on the site convey the atmosphere of the clinic, contributing to a sense of reassurance.

At BIRTH, the custom post type ‘Medical Services‘ allows for clear organization and display of each medical department, making it easier for users to find the information they’re looking for.

Moreover, in the footer area, a design that harmonizes with the overall site aesthetics allows for the placement of buttons leading to contact details. BIRTH enables the creation of a cohesive and refined site right down to the details.

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