
Plants on Plants – Bryophytes and epiphytes, etc.

Name: Plants on Plants – Bryophytes and epiphytes, etc.
Theme: DIVA

It seems that “moss” has recently become a quiet boom. I once had a friend show me a “mossarium,” and it is nice to be able to enjoy nature at home. Plants on Plants, a blog about growing plants, uses DIVA.

This is a personal blog where I write about my hobby of growing plants.
The theme is limited to bryophytes and epiphytes, so only the core audience will reach the site.
We chose DIVA for the site because we wanted to make the top page simple and well-organized, but also memorable.

DIVA’s top page consists only of header contents and footer carousel. This makes it possible to build a site with a memorable above the fold. The plant has a large impact on this site as well. The design concept is to use this impact to attract users and connect them to the sub pages. If you are considering purchasing DIVA, please take a look at this site as a reference example.


Wolf’s Lair Gym Ginza

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