Name: Learning School Nobiteku
Theme: EVERY
EVERY is being used by “Nobekiku,” an online tutoring school that develops non-cognitive skills through active and exploratory learning. It seems that the school has been interviewed as a unique school like no other. We have received a polite message from them and have updated the content and captcha to the latest version!
Below are the pickup points.
・The online school attracts gifted and other sensitive and curious children from all over Japan.
・Teach according to the individual’s personality and enjoy the process of understanding.
・Active and exploratory learning to develop thinking and non-cognitive skills.
・We provide a place and time for parents and children to have fun together.
The site makes good use of the custom post type “Recipe” content, and is differentiated from other learning content by the fact that the questions and answers are not simply questions and answers, but the process and necessary thought process leading up to the answers are presented in an orderly fashion.