Theme: Switch
“MDM LIVE” is a video production and live streaming company in Osaka, Japan. They have used Switch on their website.
This is a landing page for a live-streaming business visit service.
Since this is a new business launched under the influence of the coronavirus, we based the site on a passionate orange color that makes people feel energized when they see it.
Color grading is also performed on photos and videos to match the atmosphere.
The website is very cool and lean. The header image is beautiful and has a realistic feel. The global menu items are kept to a minimum, and the balance of text and images on each page is nicely organized. The structure is as simple as possible without overloading the site with information.
However, it also has a set of content that covers the user’s needs, so it can be viewed without any stress. We believe that a simple and efficient site structure can be used as a reference.