
Minami Shikoku Island

Name: Minami Shikoku Island
Kind of site: Local Media

Local media “Minami Shikoku Island” is using MIKADO.

We took advantage of MIKADO’s vertical writing format and focused on the readability of each content. We were able to fully utilize it’s features. The purpose of this website is to promote the beauty of this region, to attract visitors, and to spread the information about local products.

Vertical design is beautifully used. Also, a wonderful video set on the top page will make you want to scroll down. All the photos are also high quality and attractive.

It’s important to keep the quality of the photos as beautiful as possible.

The site of “Minami Shikoku Island” is very high quality, including the photos of people, and the whole site gives a sophisticated impression.


Ryoji Takagi Law Office

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