
Japan local life support association

Name: Japan local life support association
Theme: Bloom
Kind of site: Area life support
Address: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

We will provide information for members with disabilities, people with dementia and their families to live with peace of mind in your area and provide services. In most cases, people suffering from mental illness or dementia cannot receive private insurance, but we are developing a service that enables this. The site delivers useful information for people with disabilities and families with dementia, and it is 50,000 to 100,000 PV per month.

I was impressed by the steady increase of access to the site by providing the necessary information to the required users. It is also arranged to connect to the free claim as a CTA(=call to action), such as the content to be placed before and after, I think the web site to be a role model of the site management to acquire business.

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