
Power Apps Tips Log

The technical blog “Power Apps Tips Log” uses the NULL theme to share tips and technical insights about Microsoft’s Power Platform, focusing on Power Apps and Power Automate.

Purchased this template for a technical blog. We utilize features like the latest articles section, keyword functionality, ranking pages, and a like button.

The top screen slider highlights key topics using videos. The side links can be customized with categorized banners, making it easy to design a site that matches our vision.

The NULL theme offers side navigation that displays on all pages, allowing you to enhance internal site navigation or direct visitors to featured pages by placing categories or banners in the sidebar.

>>Create a clean top page layout even with multiple categories using side navigation.

It also includes a ranking page feature, making it easy for users to spot popular articles on content-rich sites.

>>Showcase Popular Articles with a Fixed Page Ranking Template.

We hope this example provides valuable inspiration for building your site with the NULL theme.

Mapo Tofu Addiction

Okara Donut’s Atelier

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