
Color Therapy Color Kokoro

Name: Color Therapy Color Kokoro
Theme: Cherie

Color therapist Akemi Kono uses Cherie, a popular theme with a cute and sophisticated design, for her website.

I initially created a blog-type site using Muum. However, I had been wanting to revamp it using the Cherie theme since its release. Finally, in November 2023, I made the switch.

Gradually adjusting while reviewing the demo site, it finally underwent a wonderful transformation into a beautiful homepage. Now, at a glance on the homepage, it’s clear that it’s a site about color therapy, and I’m satisfied.

The downside is the content of the blog posts I’ve written so far. Despite the beautiful design, the articles lack appeal, which doesn’t complement the new look. Currently, I’m reworking and adding new articles to match the aesthetic appeal.

However, I’m feeling quite excited, thinking, ‘I’ll write engaging articles that complement this lovely appearance!’ I plan to harness this enthusiasm to create articles that will be enjoyable and engaging for readers.

Thank you for providing such a wonderful theme for sale.

Thank you for creating a wonderful site with Cherie!

Cherie’s overall rounded design exudes a gentle ambiance, but interestingly, it can also be configured to have a more angular look.

→ Demo Site 2 (Angular Design)

It creates a slightly sharper and stylish impression, doesn’t it?

Moreover, as a notable feature of Cherie, it includes a drawer menu that’s visible even on PC. With displayed icon images, it allows placement of images relevant to linked pages, enabling effective navigation.

And if you plan to switch themes like this site does, we have an article summarizing the steps for changing themes. Please take a look.

→ Summary of WordPress Theme Change Procedure and Checklists

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