
George Home Inc.

Name: George Home Inc.

George Home Inc., a company in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture, that handles new construction, remodeling, and store renovations, has selected FALCON.

This site was created by EDesign Shop Ltd.

We applied the staging power of FALCON, a TCD template that builds brand value on the Web by integrating products and lifestyles, to the marketing design of a construction company active in a regional city.

The website is stylish and has a soft color scheme. “First-time visitors” page is also available, and the color balance with the illustrations inserted here and there is well balanced, so the message that “a house should be a valuable asset” is easily conveyed.

We are glad to see that you are also skillfully utilizing FALCON’s pages. Please take a look at them for reference.

Kentaro Sakakibara Law Office

Zekkei 360

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