
Pickup 11 sites out of about 200 and introduce them.

TCD MUSEUM is a website gallery created using TCD WordPress theme. And, about 10 days after the TCD MUSEUM website was launched, thankfully, more than 200 TCD theme users applied to this project. This time, as a commemoration of the release, we will select and introduce some sites those are likely to be helpful to you from among the approximately 200 sites gathered.

Please see below for details.

11 Cool Websites Using TCD Themes (Posted on TCD MUSEUM)

Congratulations to all those selected.
As a result of examining in editorial department, we introduce 11 sites this time.
We will also have the opportunity to announce later, so please check our daily site updates. The editorial members regularly visit your site.

Applications for posting on TCD MUSEUM are accepted here.
If you are a TCD user, please apply for it!

11 sites selected as Pickup this time